Emeritus Professor F.C. Akpuaka, who on the 19th of August 2017, was conferred with the Title of Emeritus Professor of Plastic Surgery, at the Abia State University, Nigeria. |
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Emeritus Professor F.C. Akpuaka, at the Abia State University, Nigeria.
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Friday, April 28, 2017
An Architectural Impression similar to the proposed Structure. |
The Proposed ‘Centre for Global Health’ Project
The ABSU Medical Alumni Association Inc. is on a mission to connecting Nigerian health care services, Physicians, healthcare professionals and researchers to global health care resources, including the US health care resources, thereby bridging the gap in global health disparity. One of the major ways of achieving this innovative project is through the development of healthcare infrastructure, notably the timely construction of a state-of-the-art global health facility in Abia State University Teaching Hospital Campus, Aba, Nigeria.
Public-Private-Partnership – The ABSU Medical Alumni Association Inc. sees the government as a powerful player in healthcare delivery to partner with in achieving these goals. Our first objective is to propose to the Abia State Government, the building and development of a Center for Global Health Practice. In this modern facility, which will be located in the Medical School, groups of global researchers and practitioners would independently offer a state of the art population health care services and cutting edge medical research programs in primary care and global public health, to serve the global and local community alike.
The Center will be a large building complex housing up to about 500 offices; built, owned and operated by a consortium of global health players, individual specialists and the Abia State Government. The immediate task will be to bring all stakeholders to together to see the vision of advancing global health care and contribute their share of improving health care in Abia State.
Building this kind of modern facility fitted with modern state-of-the-art IT infrastructure is a key factor underpinning population health research and primary care practice, much needed today in undeserved areas of the world.
How population health tools can better manage infectious disease
How population health tools can better manage infectious disease
In real life, disease outbreaks never occur as they do in the movies. Patients don’t steadily stream into the same emergency department, presenting symptoms of a mysterious affliction while clinicians race around with federal agents to pinpoint Patient Zero. The Hollywood version makes for a compelling story, but it doesn’t reflect the reality of modern infectious diseases.
From my experience, most infectious diseases are known threats, but it can take a long time for an outbreak or health emergency to be officially declared, as we learned most recently from the Zika virus and as we seem to learn every year with influenza.
Until then, each patient presents as a single case and, because of our fragmented healthcare system, it is often difficult to link cases, share information and collaborate on a response. However, with population health management tools, it’s possible to connect disparate systems and data.

While they may lack in dramatic flair, these solutions can help change the way we fight infectious disease. Population health management tools offer some of the best new opportunities to advance our understanding of how disease outbreaks occur and, most importantly, how to prevent and respond to them before they get out of control.
At a time when diseases once thought to be isolated to other regions of the world have surfaced in the United States—ranging from drug-resistant infections to African trypanosomiasis, or sleeping sickness—we need better systems in place to exchange information with global health professionals and to work together to contain infectious illnesses wherever they occur.
We’re still a long way off from a time when big data can be used to predict, with certainty, where the next disease outbreak will occur and how best to address it. But there are actionable steps we can take to get there. Beginning to integrate public health data into population health solutions, building information technology (IT) systems that enable greater collaboration and analysis of factors that influence patient health, and implementing protocols for patient engagement will take us three steps closer to the future of infectious disease management.
Integrating public health data. Trusted sources like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have made vast libraries of health information available to the general public. This data is currently siloed from electronic health record (EHR) programs and physicians’ workflows, however, and it remains difficult to deliver pertinent information about infectious diseases when it’s most needed – at the point of care, or even better, ahead of time.
Integrating CDC or Food and Drug Administration (FDA) data, information from state or local health departments or hospitals (such as antibiograms or lab results trend reports), as well as non-governmental sources such as web search vendors, can help build an early warning system. Because timely and appropriate antiviral therapy can be effective in improving infectious disease outcomes, such a system could have a direct impact on patient health, experience of care and even cost of care.
Some of this work is starting to happen now as the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) make datasets available, for example, through iBlueButton or Medicare Limited Data Set (LDS) Files. Other partnerships also could support public-private data integrations. For example, universities could partner with health insurance companies and other private entities—keeping privacy, confidentiality and data security in the forefront—to examine trends and explore risk models.
Ensuring that health IT architecture supports infectious disease prevention and management. Accessing public health data and other information not collected in a clinical setting is just the beginning. Putting this data to work to perform effective risk modeling requires interconnecting all of these external inputs with a healthcare system’s data and health IT footprint.
The ability of health systems to accurately predict possible public health issues increases as more dataset systems are integrated. Last year, Kaiser Permanente analyzed its EHR data to create a heat map of Bay Area communities at increased risk for contracting measles, hepatitis A and B, and other infectious diseases. It matched EHRs to home addresses of members who opted not to vaccinate their children, revealing precisely where medical staff could target vaccination efforts. This type of analysis can be built into a population health management system for tracking, monitoring, and engaging patients.
Implementing an engagement strategy. After integrating new data inputs and interoperable health IT solutions for infectious disease prevention and management, the final piece of getting ahead of an outbreak is implementing a patient engagement strategy. This might entail sending emails and texts or even making phone calls to relate relevant information.
Care teams can consider performing a patient survey on an annual basis and asking for a preferred method of communication, as well as the contact details of a caretaker, and recording this in EHRs to streamline engagement efforts.
With a patient engagement strategy in place, a future state version of managing an outbreak with population health management tools might look like this, taking the flu as an example:
Working with the CDC, we might learn that there’s a particularly virulent version of the flu coming this year. Analytics reveals specific communities with large senior populations that have lower flu vaccination rates and poor access to public transportation. In addition, regional data shows that search rates for flu symptoms are going up.
This information spurs a targeted public health initiative to prevent a flu outbreak among seniors, who are particularly at risk for developing health complications. Health system staff contact elderly patients to encourage them to visit a local clinic or pharmacy to receive their flu shots, and clinicians hold flu shot drives at senior centers.
All regional doctors are encouraged to proactively speak to their patients about vaccinations and ask if they are currently experiencing any flu-like symptoms. Patients are engaged during their scheduled appointments and through text or email to ensure that this pertinent public health information reaches more people in the identified communities.
This scenario fits nicely into doctors’ workflows and patients’ lives. By taking what people normally do when they start to feel sick—searching online—and pairing this information with CDC and EHR data, we can set public health initiatives in motion and enable a connected health experience that staves off or shortens an illness.
This is vastly preferable to the situation today, where people think they might be getting sick, wait a day and find out they actually are sick, and then, once they finally see a doctor, their window to get well soon may have already passed. This proactive care can apply to other illnesses as well, including non-infectious diseases.
Global travel and commerce, changes in how and where our food is raised and delivered, and other environmental changes are expanding the reach and prevalence of various infectious diseases. By integrating public health data, investing in a health IT architecture that supports infectious disease prevention and management, and strategically engaging patients to deliver more timely care, clinicians around the globe can perhaps contain or even prevent the next outbreak. Because when it comes to patient health, we can leave the dramatic interventions to Hollywood.
Source: https://www.healthdatamanagement.com/opinion/how-population-health-tools-can-better-manage-infectious-disease
Saturday, April 22, 2017
Brain Gain: Foreign doctors are a vital part of the U.S. health care system, but at what cost?
Gain: Foreign doctors are a vital part of the U.S. health care system, but at
what cost?
With his phones, pager and list of patients, neurosurgeon
resident Jaime Martinez heads to the Emergency Department at the Medical
University of South Carolina to check on a patient Thursday, March 16, 2017, in
Charleston. Grace Beahm/Staff
Perfection — every movement of the scalpel, every diagnosis
has to be right. Jaime Martinez wants to be perfect. And why should that be
A brain surgeon strives for nothing less. Martinez learned
that in medical school. Your hands could maim or kill with a slip of the
forceps; your mistake could snuff out memories, another kind of death.
So if he became a neurosurgeon — no, an elite neurosurgeon,
one who could defuse tiny aneurysms and pluck out tumors — he would need the
best training possible. Training away from the Dominican Republic, his home.
Which is why he stands here now in Charleston, in front of
the Medical University of South Carolina, clutching a coffee from Halo. He has
the distracted look of someone coming down from an adrenaline rush. His mind is
still alight from the operation he saw earlier that day.
He begins to talk about the past and the paths that led him
to this moment, paths taken by so many other foreign doctors: Brain drain from
their countries. Brain gain for ours.
A deadly shortage
The world is desperately short of health care workers; more
than 4.3 million doctors and nurses are needed simply to meet basic needs, the
World Health Organization says. And surgeons are particularly scarce.
The U.S. surgical gap
The United States also has a widening surgeon gap.
Largely because of this gap, an estimated 5 billion people
across the globe lack access to safe and affordable surgery. The result is
catastrophic: 17 million people die every year from conditions that could be
treated with surgery.
Putting that in context, 17 million deaths is 5 million more
than the combined deaths from malaria, tuberculosis, pneumonia, HIV/AIDS and
Ethiopia has about 150 surgeons for its 92 million people.
(South Carolina has more than 1,000 surgeons for its almost 5 million people.)
Burundi has 13 surgeons for its 10 million people. In Sierra Leone, 1.5 million
people need some form of immediate surgery, a recent study found. But the
country had just 10 surgeons, and that was before the Ebola epidemic.
Despite this widespread skills deficit, the Gates
Foundation, WHO and other big funders in global health circles have only begun
to think hard about this issue. A charity executive once called the worldwide
surgical deficit “the biggest global health problem no one has ever heard of.”
Residency is where the alchemy takes place, where freshly
minted doctors become surgeons, and Martinez, 29, is in the thick of it: one
sleepless night after another, week after week, 197 procedures last year,
probably even more this year. And because it's neurosurgery, you find yourself
telling one patient after another that there’s only so much a surgeon can do in
their cases. There are limits, even if you’re perfect.
He sits for a moment in the courtyard, a welcome break after
an unusually short shift. He wears a dark jacket over his blue scrubs. He has a
thick dark beard. Round brown glasses frame warm brown eyes that dart back and
forth as if he’s working on something, which he is: his patients, his next
shift later that evening; text messages from his wife, studying now in the
library to be a dermatologist; the operation he’d done earlier that day.
That one was special. A patient arrived after suffering for
years with an uncontrollable cough. Medicine hadn’t helped. Tests showed
nothing amiss in the lungs or upper respiratory tract. No one could figure out
the cause. Except for his mentor here, Sunil Patel. Patel discovered an artery
was pressing on a nerve and the brainstem. To fix the problem, Patel opened the
patient’s skull, peeled apart the brain and inserted a tiny piece of Teflon
between the artery and nerve. As far as Martinez knew, no other doctor in the
world does this type of operation.
"Awesome," Martinez says, thumbing through photos
on his phone that he saved from the microscope's camera.
This is one of the reasons why he’s here — to learn the
world’s most advanced neurosurgical procedures, expand his own idea of what he
is capable of, do things he could never do in the Dominican Republic.
Brain drain has occasionally triggered criticism. As far
back as 1967, Walter Mondale, then an American senator from Minnesota, said it
was “inexcusable” that the United States should “need doctors from countries
where thousands die daily of disease to relieve our shortage of medical
manpower.” A Congressional report in 1974 said brain drain would widen the
rifts between wealthy and low-income countries.
But hospitals in wealthy countries needed health care
workers, and foreign physicians and medical students answered their calls.
Between 1993 and 2002, 604 out of 871 new doctors in Ghana left for the United
States and other countries. Top "sending" countries to the United
States include India, Philippines, Mexico, Pakistan and Dominican Republic. A
study in 2015 found that 11,787 doctors in the United States came from
sub-Saharan African countries such as Liberia, Ghana and Nigeria. That’s more
doctors than you'd find in 34 African countries combined. Vikram Patel, an
Indian psychiatrist, calls this "the Great Brain Robbery."
The result: One in four physicians in the United States
received their medical degrees overseas. (In South Carolina, the ratio is lower
— one in 10.)
"No American policy body — certainly not the U.S.
Congress — has ever advocated that we 'offshore' one-quarter of our medical
training or design a system in which our medical schools are only capable of
training three-quarters of the physicians we need," Fitzhugh Mullan, a
George Washington University health policy expert, told Congress in 2009.
"Yet that is what we have done."
The United States would have even more immigrant doctors if
it relaxed visa and licensing requirements, as some American health care
industry officials advocate. Now, foreign doctors interested in practicing in the
United States must do a medical residency at an American hospital — even if
they've already done one in their countries. In 2014, the United States issued
work visas to more than 15,000 foreign health care workers. Nearly half were
physicians and surgeons.
This flow of doctors to the United States brings undeniable
benefits, particularly the nation's poor. Once in the United States, foreign
doctors are twice as likely to practice in public hospitals and in areas of
high poverty, experts say. A study in February found that patients of immigrant
doctors are less likely to die than if treated by U.S. medical school
But brain drain also is a silent educational aid program
from the poor to the rich. Many African governments subsidize the educations of
their health care workers, so when new doctors and nurses leave the
governments' investments exit with them. The United States saved $846 million
in training costs because of immigration from just nine African countries, one
study in 2011 found. The United Kingdom was an even bigger beneficiary, saving
$2.6 billion.
The Trump administration's short-lived travel ban earlier
this year offered a rare glimpse into the impact of foreign health care
workers. Residents from the banned countries were turned away from airports or
detained at airports. Hospital officials feared worsening manpower gaps. The
ban affected more than 1,000 non-U.S. citizens who applied for residency slots.
"How does America manage not to have uninsured people
dying in streets? Well, the way we do it is with immigrant doctors,” said Amy
Hagopian, a global health professor at the University of Washington who has
done extensive research into brain drain in Africa.
Foreign medical residents are a key part of this system.
"They are how we take care of poor people,"
Hagopian said. "They show up in emergency rooms and get assigned to
(medical) residents."
Martinez is here, but that doesn't mean he doesn’t love his
He grew up in the city of Santo Domingo. His father is a
dermatologist and his mother an accountant. It was his mother who expected
perfection: a clean room, no cutting corners on homework. He attended a Jesuit
school, which reinforced this strict discipline. It also required him to do
social work, and he found himself in pediatric hospitals, wrapping gauze and
talking to patients, children who walked on their hands because of deformities,
children with cancer.
“Some were so cheerful,” he recalls. “I wanted to help.”
He attended medical school in the Dominican Republic, where
he quickly distinguished himself. Especially in anatomy class. His stern,
Cuban-trained teacher gave tests so difficult he added two two-point bonus
questions. Martinez earned a better-than-perfect score of 104. His instructor
was so impressed that he made Martinez a teaching assistant — even though
Martinez was still a student.
“I think you’re good at what you’re passionate about, and I
loved anatomy. I can remember all the structures, but sometimes I forget
people’s names. And when I learned neuroanatomy, I knew that was it.”
The brain in all its complexity and majesty. He would become
a neurosurgeon.
And, “when I was done with my training, I wanted to be
But the Dominican Republic’s health care system could be
enormously frustrating. In some hospitals, especially the public ones, he'd
walk into rooms filled with hospital beds, rooms overflowing with patients and
families, hospitals with poor infection control procedures and short of
One time he noticed something wasn't right with a patient.
Hydrocephalus? A vasospasm? He wasn't sure. She needed a CT scan. But the
family couldn't afford one. So he paid for it himself.
“What could I do? Let the patient die?”
Another time he saw a patient die from a gastrointestinal
bleeding issue. She died as two departments in the hospital fought over what to
“I tried to figure out the best way to help my country. If I
wanted to be good at this, I had to go, no question about it.”
And his departure, he hoped, would be one way to honor his
country. By leaving, he could become a brain surgeon who operates on delicate
blood vessels and nerves, something just a few neurosurgeons in Latin America
can do. He graduated first in his class and set his sights on the United
Bad forecast
America's physician shortage was caused, in part, by
imperfect research.
In the 1980s and 1990s, the medical establishment warned
about a coming doctor glut.
Trade groups said medical schools were turning out too many
physicians. A steady stream of immigrant doctors also was flooding the ranks. A
doctor surplus would be a waste of training dollars, health care officials said
at the time. A doctor glut also could reduce wages — too much supply for the
Congress responded in 1997 with a financial tourniquet,
cutting Medicare subsidies to hospitals that taught medical residents.
This effectively capped the number of new residents that
teaching hospitals trained each year. And this cap has all but remained in
place for 20 years, despite a growing population.
But predictions of a surplus turned out to be wrong.
Forecasters failed to take into account major socio-economic
shifts. North America's population not only was growing, it was aging, creating
more demand for medical care.
At the same time, other forces were reducing supply: Doctors
were retiring sooner, some fed up with long hours and increasing paperwork.
Millennials also were less likely to put in the kinds of
workaholic hours old-school surgeons had often done; more doctors had working
spouses, making longer days less tenable for those who wanted to spend time
with their children.
And in 2003, new work rules limited medical residents'
workweeks. In the past, it wasn't unusual for residents to pull multi-day
shifts and wrack up 100-hour workweeks. The new rules limited residents to
80-hour weeks, a major reduction in relatively cheap labor.
The result: The nation will have a deficit of between 25,000
and 60,000 physicians by 2025, in just eight years, adding even more pressure
for hospitals to seek doctors from abroad.
The future
Martinez knows it takes years to train a neurosurgeon: After
medical school, a neurosurgeon might spend seven years in residency and one or
two years of fellowship training before becoming a fully-certified surgeon.
"You make a lot of sacrifices," he says as the sun
goes behind MUSC's library, and the air and his coffee cools.
It takes time to build surgeons, and the same is true in
solving the surgical deficit. It's a process that won't generate results for
The good news in the United States is that medical schools
in the past decade have increased enrollment by 27 percent. The bad news is
that Medicare hasn't touched its cap on residency slots.
Meanwhile, international efforts to stop brain drain have
generally been anemic. In 2010, the World Health Organization adopted a code to
reduce migration of doctors from poor to wealthy countries. But the code is
voluntary. Critics have said a key tool is missing: a mechanism in which
wealthy countries would compensate source countries.
When Martinez finishes his training, he'll probably stay in
the United States.
Here, he can practice medicine to his full potential.
"The nurses here are awesome — very knowledgeable and
diligent. They get people into the CT machine (for tests) like magic. Everyone
knows what to do: the nurses, the technicians. If a patient needs an
intubation, you can call a rapid response team, and they're there within two
minutes. Amazing."
His beeper goes off six times in 30 minutes. His eyes dart
again toward the building where his wife is studying dermatology. He has more
cases to do later in the evening.
When fully trained, he says he will return occasionally to
the Dominican Republic.
"I'm sure I can help improve their systems and
He's not sure exactly what he'll do. He just knows he wants
to help, knows that health systems aren't perfect, at home and in the U.S., but
that shouldn't stop him seeking perfection for himself and his patients,
wherever they are.
Source: By Tony Bartelme tbartelme@postandcourier.com Apr 22, 2017
The 2nd Annual Convention of the Abia State University Medical Alumni Association, UK London 2017
The 2nd Annual Convention of the Abia State
University Medical Alumni Association, UK
London 2017
Theme: Efficient and Cost Effective Healthcare.
Date: Sunday 30th April 2017
Venue: Doubletree by Hilton Hotel Dartford
Crossways Business Park, Masthead Close,
Dartford, London, DA2 6QF.
Equivalent to 5 CPD
points subject to peer group approval.
9.00am Registration
and networking
One- (Queen Elizabeth Suite)
Moderators – Dr Chile Ogugua and Dr Collins Iwuji
Anthem (Nigeria and UK)
Address – Dr Zuby Chile
Practitioner London
Chairman and Secretary ABSU Medical Alumni, UK)
Speech – Dr Chinedu Umeadi
ABSU Medical Alumni, UK
Bond Anyaehie
Coordinator, ABSU Medical Alumni Association
Topic: ABSU Medical Alumni
Association; A global perspective
guest of honour and guest speaker
Excellency, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar GCON
Vice President, Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Democracy and Governance and possible role of medical doctors in diaspora in Nigeria
Dr John
Commissioner for Health, Abia State, Nigeria.
Topic: Update on Abia State
Healthcare Delivery System: The Journey So far
Uche Ikonne
Chancellor, Abia State University. Uturu.
The state of education in Nigeria and how medical professionals in diaspora
can get involved
Chuks Kamanu.
Past Chief Medial Director Abia State Umiversity Teaching Hospital, Aba
Abia State University Teaching Hospital today; possible roles of the ABSU
medical Alumni Association, UK in its further development
Francis Akpuaka
Provost, Abia State University College of Medicine
Topic: Sustaining
Motivation and Enthusiasm in Medical Practice: A Pace Setter’s perspective
Questions & Answers
End of Session One
11.40am Coffee Break / Networking (Duration – 20 minutes)
Session Two
(Queen Elizabeth Suite)
Moderators – Dr Lisa
Ekeledo and Dr Chinyere Osy-Eneze
Chinedu Umeadi
psychiatrist and Forensic Medical Examiner
Consultant, Salford directorate, Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS
Foundation Trust; and National Clinical Lead for CRG Medical Services UK
Border Force Contracts.
Topic: Efficient
and Cost Effective Healthcare
Sandra Ukpaka
Practitioner with special interest in Dermatology
Park Surgery, Basildon, Essex
Dermatology: More Than Skin Deep
Dr Thaddeus
ABSU Medical Alumni USA/Canada, Consultant Psychiatrist, and Lecturer
Professor of Psychiatry, Yale University, USA
Improving Access to Mental Health In Nigeria: The role of Nigerian
Psychiatrists in Diaspora
Obiyo Nwigwe
in Emergency Medicine
for Medical Education, Accident and Emergency Department
Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust
Efficient Emergency Medical Care in Developing Countries: Is it Worthwhile?
Questions and Answers
End of Session Two
1.40pm LUNCH
Break / Networking (Duration – 50
Three(Queen Elizabeth)
Moderators – Dr Nkechi Nwosu and Dr Iheanyichukwu Oteh
Ibrahim Imam
Neurologist, Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Trust
The Importance of checklists in medical practice: A case example with Neurology
Hannah Uwakwe-Mangse
Breast and General Surgery
Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust
Efficient and Cost Effective Healthcare; Surgical Perspective
Dr Uche
Physician with special interest in elderly medicine and therapeutics
Diagnosis Medical Centres, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Putting your health first; A perspective on physicians burn out
Mr Ily
Maisanda ACMA, CDM, ASA MSc
Management Accountant
& Co
Financial Planning and Tax Implications for the HealthCare Professional
Question & Answers
Remarks and vote of thanks – Dr Amigo Odina (LOC Member and Vice President
ABSU Medical Alumni, UK)
End of Session Three
Annual General Meeting of the ABSU Medical
Alumni, UK
Venue: Queen Elizabeth Suite
Chair: Dr Amigo Odina (Chair Board of Trustees)
16:30 - 17:30
to 15.00pm Children’s Party (Venue – Hextable
End of
Red Carpet Photoshoots – Starts
7.30pm GALA
DINNER(Queen Elizabeth Suite)
Nigerian National Anthem
Speech by the president Dr Umeadi
Three course meal (Nigerian)
Light hearted speeches by Prof Ikonne, Prof Akpuaka,
Prof Kamanu, Prof Anyaehie, Chair of the board of trustees Dr Odina, and
other Alumni who may wish to speak
Another course of Nigerian meals later in the night
Nigerian DJ all night (1am)
Professional dancers
MC Mark (Comedian of the United Nations) will
officiate the evening
End of convention
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