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Monday, August 29, 2016

Meet Dr.Jane Nnamdi, The Best Graduating Student of ABSU Medical School - 2016

Dr. Nnamdi Jane, the best graduating student of ABSU Medical School - 2016 set

Dr. Nnamdi Jane, the best graduating student of ABSU Medical School in the 2016 set of graduating doctors. Wondering how she could excel in med school, she gave herself wholly to God and His service. God first, then she gave herself to Medicine. She initially set a goal of having 7 distinctions in med sch, but eventually achieved a marvelous record of 6 distinctions (Anatomy, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Pathology,, and Surgery). Excellence is what she strongly believes in and she always push myself the extra mile, with the help of God's Holy Spirit. She hope to be NOT JUST ANOTHER Doctor, but to leave a lasting impact in the lives of patients and the community she serves. To reach to the peak of her career, she would like to further her studies to specialize in Surgery, even though she is yet to finally decide on any particular specialty. Interestingly, she is highly interested in academics and  would like to be a Professor of Pharmacology at a young age. She hope to travel abroad to study for her Masters in Pharmacology. At her leisure time, she likes to play games a lot, like Monopoly, Chess, Scrabble and football. She is happily engaged and hoping to settle this year. She is very glad and privileged to be part of the great Alumni family. Please Join us to give a very warm welcome to Dr.Jane Nnamdi.

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